Moses Strikes the Rock - Activity Sheet
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 3 – 7.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Reading: Moses Strikes the Rock (Numbers 20:1~23)
Moses and Aaron went to the tabernacle and worshiped God. God told Moses to take his rod, gather all the people together and speak to the rock in front of them, then enough water would come out of the rock for all the people and their animals to drink. Remember there were thousands of people and many, many animals that were thirsty, so it had to have lots of water coming out of the rock!
What did God tell Moses to do to get water from the rock? That's right! He was to SPEAK to the rock. Moses gathered all the people together with Aaron and took his rod and said to the people, "Listen, you rebels! Must we give you water from this rock?" And he lifted his rod and HIT the rock TWO times and much water came from the rock. Even though Moses did not do what God said to do, God gave water to the people anyway. But God said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not believe me, you will not bring this people to the Promised Land."
That is why we should always watch what we are doing and always give God the glory for what we do. Could Moses have given water from the rock all by himself? No! It was God who gave the people water. But Moses said "we", didn't he? "Must WE give you water." And what did God say for Moses to do? That's right! Speak to the rock. Who did Moses speak to? He spoke to the people instead of the rock. And he hit the rock, didn't he? Not one time, but two times! In Exodus 17:6, God had told Moses to hit the rock, but not this time. So, Moses sinned and could not go into the Promised Land. We always need to listen carefully to God's Word. There are always grave consequences for disobedience!
Included in this pack are:
Picture Sequencing
Same or Different
The Same Emoji
Count and Circle
Talking about feelings
Match the Rock
God Signs
Living Creatures
Secret Code
Find th 10 Differences