Ten Commanments - Creative Drawing Pages Pack
These story-based activity pages are a great way to extend the learning with your little ones.
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 5 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
The Ten Commandments are familiar to most people. Sometimes, people believe they are going to heaven just because they have not broken any of the commandments. But the truth is, they probably have. Using the name of God in the wrong way, desiring to have what someone else has, making fun of parents in front of friends, and lying are all breaking one of the commandments. Unfortunately, we all have broken at least one. Everyone has failed one time or another. However, what makes us Christians is placing our faith in Jesus. Through Jesus, our sins are forgiven. Because He died on the cross for us, we have everlasting life with God.
If time permits, take each Commandment, and have the children give an example of what someone might do that would be breaking that commandment. For example: Honor you father and your mother. A response from a child might be: You are not honoring your father or mother when you talk back to them.
God gave commands to the people of Israel to know how to live. Point out that God gives us His laws to protect and help us, too. Because He wants the best for us. He doesn’t just give them to place restrictions on us, but because God wants what is best for His people