Joseph's Family Live in Egypt-Bible Verse Worksheets Pack
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 7 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
The seven-year famine in Egypt was experienced throughout the region. When Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt to obtain grain Joseph did not reveal his identity until he saw that were sorry for what they had done to him in the past. He revealed his identity and forgave them for what they had done. He then invited his father, Israel, to move the entire family to Egypt. Pharaoh welcomed Joseph’s family and gave them the land of Goshen to live in.
Joseph and Pharaoh lavishly gave Joseph’s brothers “the best of all the land of Egypt” and supplied them for their return to Canaan and transportation of the family. This apparently happy ending, however, has a dark side. God had promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan, not Egypt. Long after Joseph passed from the scene, Egypt’s relationship with Israel turned from hospitality to hostility. Seen this way, how does Joseph’s benevolence to the family fit with his role as mediator of God’s blessing to all families of the earth? Joseph was a man of insight who planned for the future, and he did bring about the portion of God’s blessing assigned to him. But God did not reveal to him the future rise of a “new king…who did not know Joseph”. Each generation needs to remain faithful to God and receive God’s blessings in their own time. Regrettably, Joseph’s descendants forgot God’s promises and drifted into faithlessness. Yet God did not forget his promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants. Among their descendants God would raise up new men and women to impart God’s promised blessings.
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