The Tabernacle- Drawing Coloring Pack
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 3 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home
Reading: The Tabernacle (Exodus 40:1~38)
It had always been God’s intention that the people would build a tabernacle so that they could worship him in their travels to the land of promise. His presence would be centred in the tabernacle and the people would have a more tangible way of feeling his presence among them. It was in the tabernacle that the priests would perform their duties. God had given instructions for the tabernacle earlier when he met with Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:1-31:18) and they are repeated again in the Scriptures covered in this lesson.
Unlike many of the other events on the journey between Egypt and the land of promise the people seem to throw themselves joyfully into this project. Exodus 35:4-36:7 is filled with language of willingness and it is a joy to read the passage. Moses calls upon the people to give of their possessions and skills to build this special place for God.
Explain to the child that the people of Israel made offerings to God. Think about some ways that you can offer something to God. You can use this as a way to teach the child about tithes and offerings. Point out that we can offer things other than money to God like the Israelites who donated their time. Pick out a person who is going through a rough time with health or another trial. Explain to the child that you are going to donate your time to help this person. Try to select a task that interests your child. If they enjoy drawing, create a Get Well Soon card. Offer to do a simple task for the person such as washing their car. You can help your child bake a sweet if that is where their talent/interest lies. Whatever task you select, make sure that you allow the child to work and feel the sense of accomplishment. Pray before you begin to tell God that this is an offering for Him. Thank the Lord that He gave you the ability to make this offering to Him.
The Ark of the Convenant
Tabernacle Treasures
Tabernacle Tresures
Copy Dot to Dot 1
Copy Dot to Dot 2
The Tapestries
The Higt Priset's Breastpiece
Fire Pillar & Cloud Pillar
The Tabernacle Coloring Page