A Bride for Isaac-Creative Drawing Pages Pack
These story-based activity pages are a great way to extend the learning with your little ones.
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 5 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Abraham wanted his son to marry a woman who worship God so he sent a servant back to the land of his relatives to find a wife for Isaac. Rebekah and her family believed in God. She decided to leave her home and her family and travel back to Canaan to become Isaac’s wife. Isaac married her and loved her and they followed God together.
Many years had passed since God First Called Abram to leave his relatives in Haran and follow him into the land of Canaan. Abraham, as he was now called, had grown in faith and continued to follow God’s leading in a nomadic way of life. His wife Sarah was now dead and buried in Hebron and the time had come to find a wife for his son, Isaac.
Finding a wife for Isaac is one of, if not the, longest single narrative in the book of Genesis. This match was very important. It would set the tone of each generation after this. The future of what would become known as the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel depended on men and women who faithfully followed God, established strong families and passed their faith on to the next generations.
Abraham entrusted the task to his chief servant. This man was possibly “Eliazer of Damascus” as mentioned earlier in Genesis 15:1-2. Abraham makes him swear by oath to find a wife for Isaac from among Abraham’s relatives instead of from the nearby Canaanite people who followed other Gods. The unusual sealing this oath by placing the hand on the thigh would be seen again few generations later when when Jacob asks Joseph to make an oath.
* Total of 5pages.