Abraham and Lot & Sodom and Gomorrah-Drawing Coloring Pack
These story-based activity pages are a great way to extend the learning with your little ones.
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 3 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Reading: Abraham and Lot (Genesis 13:1~18, Genesis 19: 2~29)
Abraham and his nephew, Lot, had journeyed together from their ancestral home and made their way to Palestine. In Genesis 13, we learn that it became necessary for Lot and Abraham to go their separate ways. Even though Abraham was older than Lot and could have claimed the land he wanted, Abraham graciously allowed Lot to choose where he wanted to settle. Abraham offered to Lot the best land first which revealed Abraham’s generous spirit. It would become an important decision for both men. Abraham showed he was a man of character. God would bless Abraham in the land God gave him.
hen God called Abram (as he was called at first), He called him to leave his relatives and his father’s house. For some reason Abram took his nephew, Lot, with him. That decision turned out to be a bad one as we see here. Eventually Abram and Lot had to separate because the land couldn’t support them both. This was not the only time Lot’s presence was a problem. This printable coloring page will help teach kids that we shouldn’t compromise on God’s calling. We should be totally obedient
God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in order to keep the evil there from growing any more and hurting even more people. This is the primary lesson behind the story. But this didn’t mean Lot and his family didn’t love their home in the city and grieve over having to leave it. Sometimes we grow to love things that aren’t healthy or good for us. When God calls us to leave behind that which is evil or unhealthy, we should look forward to His plan and purposes rather than looking back at what we’ve grown to love. This is part of what it means to love God more than the things of this world. This Sodom and Gomorrah craft will encourage kids to look to God in their lives rather than looking back or looking at circumstances in their lives.
We learn about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. The angels had told Abraham of their intention to judge the cities in the prior chapter. Abraham had interceded on behalf of the cities, but their sin had gone too far. Judgment would be needed to keep sin and evil in check. Only Lot and his family would be spared. This Sodom and Gomorrah Coded Words activity will help kids learn about this story and better understand that God is patient and gives people great opportunity to follow Him, but sooner or later He will act to keep evil from growing too much.
hen God called Abram (as he was called at first), He called him to leave his relatives and his father’s house. For some reason Abram took his nephew, Lot, with him. That decision turned out to be a bad one as we see here. Eventually Abram and Lot had to separate because the land couldn’t support them both. This was not the only time Lot’s presence was a problem. This printable coloring page will help teach kids that we shouldn’t compromise on God’s calling. We should be totally obedient
God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in order to keep the evil there from growing any more and hurting even more people. This is the primary lesson behind the story. But this didn’t mean Lot and his family didn’t love their home in the city and grieve over having to leave it. Sometimes we grow to love things that aren’t healthy or good for us. When God calls us to leave behind that which is evil or unhealthy, we should look forward to His plan and purposes rather than looking back at what we’ve grown to love. This is part of what it means to love God more than the things of this world. This Sodom and Gomorrah craft will encourage kids to look to God in their lives rather than looking back or looking at circumstances in their lives.
We learn about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. The angels had told Abraham of their intention to judge the cities in the prior chapter. Abraham had interceded on behalf of the cities, but their sin had gone too far. Judgment would be needed to keep sin and evil in check. Only Lot and his family would be spared. This Sodom and Gomorrah Coded Words activity will help kids learn about this story and better understand that God is patient and gives people great opportunity to follow Him, but sooner or later He will act to keep evil from growing too much.
Included in this pack are:
Abram Let's Lot Choose First
CutGlue : Sodom and Gomorrah
Right and Left
When the Angels Come, Lot's Family
Turn these Line into Anything
Abraham and Lot's Mind
Let's Draw the Appropriate Shape
Remember and Circle
Dot to Dot
Poster Coloring
* Total of 10pages.

CutGlue : Sodom and Gomorrah
Right and Left
When the Angels Come, Lot's Family
Turn these Line into Anything
Abraham and Lot's Mind
Let's Draw the Appropriate Shape
Remember and Circle
Dot to Dot
Poster Coloring
* Total of 10pages.
Abraham and Lot - The PDF files print onto A4 paper
(this measures 21cm x 29.7cm which is standard paper size for most home printers)