Leviticus, The Lord Said - Drawing Coloring Pack
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 3 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home
Reading: Leviticus
Today we’re going to learn about a set of rules that God gave his people Israel. After setting them free from slavery, God gave the Israelites 10 simple rules that taught them the difference between right and wrong. These rules are called the Ten Commandments, and they are the foundation for living a good life. READ EXODUS 20:1-21
God wanted to set his people on the right path. Never before had he given specific directions on how to live a good life, but here, for the first time, we see God giving his people Ten Commandments that will help them know the difference between right and wrong.
God gave us these commands to teach us how to make wise choices, but there’s a bigger reason for these rules. They teach us how to love God and how to love other people. When we learn the Ten Commandments, not only will we learn to make good choices, we’ll learn how we can spread God’s love to the whole world. What happens when a team doesn’t play by the rules on the rugby field, on the cricket pitch, or on the netball court? Things get frustrating. The game grinds to a halt because of all the penalties. The fans get upset. The same thing happens when someone gets caught cheating in Monopoly. Nobody wants to play with a cheater, and soon, it’s game over.
God set these rules in stone to teach us how we should love him and how we should respect other people. The first five commands all have to do with loving God. We need to keep him first, honour his name, and respect our day of worship. And the last six commands all have to do with loving others - first our parents, and then everyone else.
When we follow the Ten Commandments, we will show respect to other people and their things. We will honour God with our words and actions. We will honour our parents. And yes, we will keep ourselves out of trouble. More importantly, following the Ten Commandments shows we love God and we love other people.
And when we love other people, we show them that God loves them as well. Every game has rules. Every home has rules. Every classroom has rules. The Ten Commandments are the
boundaries for life. They teach us right and wrong. They guide us in making choices. And they show us how to love God and our neighbour. Let’s commit to learning the Ten Commandments so that we can play fair, do the right thing, and share God’s love with everyone.
CutGlue : The Tabernacle
Symmetry : Animals Offerings
I am thankful for Jesus
tabernacle Treasures
Copy Dot to Dot -1
Copy Do to Dot - 2
The Garments of the High Priest
Jesus the Lamb of God
Offerings to the Priest Coloring Page