The Story of Deborah - Bible Verse Worksheets Pack
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 7 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Reading : The Story of Deborah (Judges 4:1~24)
Remember last time when we were talking about the children of Israel and how they were in a 'cycle' during the times of the judges? The people would forget God, God would get angry and not be with them and help them, then the people's lives would become miserable, they would repent and cry out to God, He would raise up a judge to deliver them from their troubles, life would be good again, and then the people would forget God again, and they would go through the cycle all over again?
During today's lesson, the people had forgotten God and they were very wicked. God was angry and he allowed the people to be sold to the king of Canaan. The king had 900 iron chariots and Sisera was the captain of the King's army. The Canaanites had been very mean to the children of Israel for twenty years.
But there was a prophetess named Deborah who was judging Israel at that time. A prophet or prophetess was one who spoke for God. God would speak to the prophet or prophetess and then they would speak God's words to the people. This is what Deborah did under a palm tree in Mount Ephraim and the people would come to her for judgments from God.
Remember last time when we were talking about the children of Israel and how they were in a 'cycle' during the times of the judges? The people would forget God, God would get angry and not be with them and help them, then the people's lives would become miserable, they would repent and cry out to God, He would raise up a judge to deliver them from their troubles, life would be good again, and then the people would forget God again, and they would go through the cycle all over again?
During today's lesson, the people had forgotten God and they were very wicked. God was angry and he allowed the people to be sold to the king of Canaan. The king had 900 iron chariots and Sisera was the captain of the King's army. The Canaanites had been very mean to the children of Israel for twenty years.
But there was a prophetess named Deborah who was judging Israel at that time. A prophet or prophetess was one who spoke for God. God would speak to the prophet or prophetess and then they would speak God's words to the people. This is what Deborah did under a palm tree in Mount Ephraim and the people would come to her for judgments from God.
Secret Code
Word Search
Word Scramble
Make Words
Bible Verse Treasure Hunt
Israel News
I Feel God's Love When...
Compare & Contrast
the Five WS & how
Word Search
Word Scramble
Make Words
Bible Verse Treasure Hunt
Israel News
I Feel God's Love When...
Compare & Contrast
the Five WS & how
* Total of 10pages.
The Story of Deborah - The PDF files print onto A4 paper
(this measures 21cm x 29.7cm which is standard paper size for most home printers)