Joseph Forgives His Brothers-Creative Drawing Pages Pack
These story-based activity pages are a great way to extend the learning with your little ones.
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 5 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Reading: Joseph Forgives His Brothers (Genesis 45:1~28)
* Total of 5pages.

Joseph hadn’t seen his brothers since they sold him into slavery.
He wasn’t expecting them to see them on the day they showed up to buy grain. Now as ruler of all Egypt, second only to Pharaoh, Joseph looked different than he had 20 years earlier. His brothers did not recognize him. Joseph took advantage of the situation by putting them through some trials of their own over the next few months.
Perhaps he was testing them to see if they had changed over the years. Finally Joseph couldn’t stand it anymore. He told them, “I am Joseph your brother…Come close to me.” His brothers were terrified, and rightly so… The “dreamer” they had sold into slavery was now ruler over Egypt, and they were at his mercy. But Joseph told them, “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that
God sent me ahead of you.” God had been with Joseph in Egypt, and now God would save the lives of his whole family through him.
He wasn’t expecting them to see them on the day they showed up to buy grain. Now as ruler of all Egypt, second only to Pharaoh, Joseph looked different than he had 20 years earlier. His brothers did not recognize him. Joseph took advantage of the situation by putting them through some trials of their own over the next few months.
Perhaps he was testing them to see if they had changed over the years. Finally Joseph couldn’t stand it anymore. He told them, “I am Joseph your brother…Come close to me.” His brothers were terrified, and rightly so… The “dreamer” they had sold into slavery was now ruler over Egypt, and they were at his mercy. But Joseph told them, “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that
God sent me ahead of you.” God had been with Joseph in Egypt, and now God would save the lives of his whole family through him.
* Total of 5pages.
Joseph Forgives His Brothers - The PDF files print onto A4 paper
(this measures 21cm x 29.7cm which is standard paper size for most home printers)