Labban and Jacob - Creative Drawing Pages Pack
These story-based activity pages are a great way to extend the learning with your little ones.
The printable featured below goes right along with the story and pulls out some of the fun learning aspects of the book.
This Printable Pack is aimed at children ages 5 – 11.
This is perfect for church or learning about Bible stories at home.
Reading: Labban and Jacob (Genesis 30:25~43, 31:1~55)
Jacob comes to Laban after Joseph is born. Jacob wants to leave, and asks that Laban will allow him to go. Laban asks Jacob to stay because Laban realizes that he has been blessed because the Lord is with Jacob. Laban tells Jacob to choose what his wages will be for staying on to work. Jacob agrees. What Jacob proposes is that instead of wages, Jacob will continue to work Laban’s sheep. Instead of wages, Jacob wanted all of Laban’s lesser quality sheep, the spotted, speckled or brown sheep and the spotted and speckled goats. Laban will know whether Jacob has been honest by the flocks – if there are any unblemished sheep or goats among Jacob’s flock, Laban can consider them stolen. Laban agrees to this – after all Jacob is offering to remove the less desirable of Laban’s flock for him.
So Jacob goes through, removes the agreed on sheep and goats and then moves his flocks 3 days away from Laban’s. He continues to care for Laban’s flocks. Jacob encourages the sheep to conceive, but they only had speckled, streaked, or spotted lambs. The stronger sheep he increased and the lesser sheep he let alone, and the lesser sheep were Laban’s. In this way Jacob prospered greatly.
God tells Jacob to leave Laban and return to his homeland. Jacob leaves without telling Laban. When he catches up to Jacob, Laban is angry. They quarrel about the terms of their separation. Laban insists that all that Jacob owns really belongs to him. Jacob counters by reminding Laban what a good employee he has been
for the past 20 years. Jacob reminds Laban of his faithful service in harsh conditions, unfair wages, etc. Finally they agree to part on good terms and together build an altar to testify to their agreement.
So Jacob goes through, removes the agreed on sheep and goats and then moves his flocks 3 days away from Laban’s. He continues to care for Laban’s flocks. Jacob encourages the sheep to conceive, but they only had speckled, streaked, or spotted lambs. The stronger sheep he increased and the lesser sheep he let alone, and the lesser sheep were Laban’s. In this way Jacob prospered greatly.
God tells Jacob to leave Laban and return to his homeland. Jacob leaves without telling Laban. When he catches up to Jacob, Laban is angry. They quarrel about the terms of their separation. Laban insists that all that Jacob owns really belongs to him. Jacob counters by reminding Laban what a good employee he has been
for the past 20 years. Jacob reminds Laban of his faithful service in harsh conditions, unfair wages, etc. Finally they agree to part on good terms and together build an altar to testify to their agreement.
* Total of 5pages.
Labban and Jacob - The PDF files print onto A4 paper
(this measures 21cm x 29.7cm which is standard paper size for most home printers)